Register Avatar Upload Remove Accept our Terms&Conditions Gedmatch NumberWhat is your Gedmatch Number? If you manage more than one kit, please add each kit number with persons name and relationship to you separated by a comma like this example; Myself Sandy T4578, Aunt Betty Tile M87879, Cousin Ned Park 37987, Friend Angie Smith 790808.What is your FTDNA Number? If you manage more than one kit, please add each kit number with persons name and relationship to you separated by a comma like this example; Myself Sandy T4578, Aunt Betty Tile M87879, Cousin Ned Park 37987, Friend Angie Smith 790808.Please list surnames you are researching on your Moms side of family tree separate by a comma.Please list surnames you are researching on your Dads side of family tree separate by a comma.Please go to your profile and copy the URL from the browser. This allows other members to see which common ancestors you share.To create a database user ID use the following format with no spaces, first name, middle initial, last name initial, family finder kit number, repeat for kits you manage separated by a comma.