Terms of Services

Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Intellectual Property Notice:

By using this website, registering and logging in to this site I agree to abide by the terms of local, national and international intellectual property rights, trade secret law, and copyright and will not mine data from this site including private information entered by members for the purpose of sale, resell, rent, loan or distribution of content . I agree to not alter content entered by members and understand that violating any of these rules will result in immediate banishment from the database and may result in violation of infringement laws. This is a research project and the information entered is for the purpose of tracing surnames by end location numbers found on chromosomes, establishing patterns of relationships relative to those numbers and for collaboration between database members in discovery of family lines and relationships. Information found in the database is permitted for personal use and collaboration with other database members who are part of the research project. This discovery method, “Chromosome Mapping by End Location Number” website and database are the intellectual property of Wanda M. Pierce (c) 2016. This process, also known as a computer algorithym is the intellectual property of the owner of this site. (Wanda M. Pierce) This method is free to use for your own personal use. You may share this method with others, (please give proper credit when doing so) but you may not sell this method or incorporate it into a program, app or device for resell. The end location numbers in this sites database are private and it may be possible to associate them with living persons as well as distant ancestors so do not post the end location numbers in public groups.  Do not post the end location numbers found in this database in any public group. If permission is needed to post in a private research group, email the author with your request. Always respect the privacy of your matches and do not post their name when you find matching DNA segments unless permission is granted.  Use initials only and keep the information in the database. This is a project whose purpose is to help you find your ancestors and find common ancestors with other people.  Information in the database is not and will not be given or sold to medical or pharmaceutical companies. This is strictly for geneaology purposes only. Members have the ability to collaborate with each other and are advised to collaborate in a private facebook group for the purpose of genealogical collaboration. Members who use this site or facebook group to spam, invade privacy or disrespect other members will be removed upon complaint from other members.