To see which surnames have been found on each chromosome, just visit each page by chromosome number. This list is always a work in progress so check back often for updates.  Some surnames have matches on several chromosomes and some end location numbers have multiple surnames associated with them.

Some things to take into consideration regarding certainity:

The distance to the common ancestor.

The ethnicity or haplogroup of the common ancestor.

The pattern of inheritance (is the surname on your mothers side or your fathers side or do you have multiple lines of said surname or do your parents share the same line at some point?)  It is possible to get false matches if the surname is truly in your tree but passed down by one of your parents as an invisible match. In other words, a masquerader. 

Do other people have the same results or nearly the same results for surname relative to end location number?

Strong lines or multiple lines of the same surname can also masquerade simply because of sheer numbers. It doesn’t mean you didn’t inherit DNA from the line you are researching, it just means a stronger line is masquerading and by random DNA recombination, your Ancestors DNA is invisible. 

Remember, end location numbers are relative to surnames but they are also relative to haplogroups or ethnicity. If your ancestor came from a close knit community that was closed off from outsiders for hundreds or thousands of years, it would not take long for most of the community to be related to each other and to share the same ethncity. When this happens, it is possible to have many surnames matching the same specific end location number.

Mutations will present as ever so slight number changes in the end location number, usually advancing to the right in comparison to other matching segments. The appearance is so slight it’s not possible to tell a difference visually.  It is only possible to tell by reading the end location number.

An exciting new addition to this category will be the visual example of where on the chromosome the end location number is found relative to surname.  Remember to keep in mind that matching segments always line up at the end location but the start location and length of the matching segments can vary. This is due to the distance to the common ancestor and amount of DNA passed down.

Details related to surnames on chromosomes are in the database. To search the database for details, please register and choose a subscription plan if you have not already. Database members can login and search by surname, end location number and chromosome number. Details include surname, dob, dod, place born, place died, who they married, who the common ancestor is and ancestor of contributor.  There are over 5200 entries in the database. Hundreds of surnames and visual chromosome locations will be added to this section. To see what surnames are going to be added by chromosome, please visit the SURNAME LIST page above.   If you are adding new data to the database, please email a SNIP of the chromosome location and details.  Thank you for being an important member of this project.